Electro-Magnetic Fields (EMFs) are a growing health concern.
The intensity of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) is increasing in the US and the world. Body Align offers a solution to counter-react the body's response to these frequencies.
EMF Defense Disc is a solution for people seeking to mitigate the rising health concerns surrounding 4G & 5G technology, smart meters, wifi routers, and communication towers closer together and lower to ground level than ever before. Evidence supports that using cell phones can lead to negative biological effects from electromagnetic radiation emissions that come from your cell phone or wireless device emitting radio frequency noni-onizing energy also referred to as RF/EMR which causes tissue heating (thermal effect), changes in blood flow (dynamic effect), DNA damage (genotoxic effect), stress responses such as increased free radical levels leading to oxidative stress in tissues where there is insufficient blood flow.
It is recommended that you replace your cellphone protection disc every 9 months if you live in a high 5G frequency zone
(1 Disc per pack)