How to get your body ready for your next best day.
Don't let insomnia ruin your next day! There are a lot of things to consider when preparing for the next day's events in your life. Some people like to take care of their bodies before they rest, and this can help reduce insomnia symptoms. Here are some simple steps you can take: drink warm milk with honey, take a hot bath or shower, read something uplifting like an inspiring book or poem, and try to get some exercise during the day. These are just creative ideas - there is no one-size-fits-all way to prepare yourself for your "big day."
Introducing insomnia
Insomnia is when you have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or waking up too early. Insomnia can affect your ability to sleep throughout the night and get enough rest for a day's worth of activity. Symptoms may include difficulty sleeping at all, feeling heavy during periods of restlessness before sleep; this will no doubt be a cumulative issue set in overtime. This is due to your own body's circadian rhythm.
What causes insomnia: insomnia has many potential causes, and these may vary from person to person. However, some of the most common contributors are stress, anxiety (especially when anticipating an important event), depression, substance abuse, or drug use; this is due to their effects on sleep chemicals like serotonin and dopamine. Other factors that can contribute include relationships, finances, moving, or recent changes in your life or environment.
What insomnia feels like: insomnia is not just the inability to sleep - it can also be difficult for those with insomnia to rest when they do have time. Symptoms may include difficulty sleeping at all, feeling heavy during periods of restlessness before sleep; this will no doubt be a cumulative issue set in overtime. This is due to your own habits. But you can form new habits.
In a recent study, habits can become automatic in as little as 2- 6 months. According to Phillippa Lally; a health psychology researcher at University College London, a new habit usually takes a little more than 2 months — 66 days to be exact — and as much as 254 days until it’s fully formed.
One way insomnia sufferers can form new habits is by engaging in pleasurable activities before bed: try reading, going for a walk or spending time with friends. This will help your brain associate sleep with something enjoyable and positive rather than just an interruption to the day’s events.
Try these steps out tonight - they might work.
1) Keep regular sleep hours. ...
2) Create a restful sleeping environment. ...
3) Make sure your bed is comfortable. ...
4) Exercise regularly. ...
5) Cut down on caffeine. ...
6) Do not over-indulge. ...
7) Do not smoke. ...
8)Try to relax before going to bed
9) Listen to meditations or relaxing music prior to bed. (Watch Dreamscapes)
10)Turn off all devices (blue light)
11) Take regular walks
12) Consume plenty of water daily
Add the sleep patch or two daily an hour or two prior to aid in rest.