The 5G Wireless Network is expanding across the planet. | Body Align

The 5G Wireless Network is expanding across the planet and with it comes a lot of health effects. The first question that many people are asking themselves is "What does EMF stand for?" EMF stands for Electro-Magnetic Force and this force can be hazardous to human health when exposed to high levels from new technology devices such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, etc. We are feeling the harmful side effects of 5g technologies today in our homes, schools, workplaces, and public spaces.

In the United States, there are now over 200,000 cell towers that produce a high level of EMF. The World Health Organization (WHO) has stated that it is not possible to know what levels of EMF exposure are safe because we lack long-term epidemiological data on this topic. Scientists have reported many health issues as a growing concern, without clear research and understanding of the real long and short-term effects of extended exposure.

The introduction of new wireless technologies may be one possible explanation for the current rise in Alzheimer's, Autism, and other neurological disorders. The EMF frequency is linked with an increase in brain tumors as well as auto-immune diseases such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and multiple sclerosis. According to WHO research reports from 2010 say that it these are highly concerning facts and health consequences to the advances in technology. More research will need to take place as new towers are stretching to all corners of the plant.

The article talks about EMF. It talks about how it might affect us. What are the effects? 

-headaches, tremors, dizziness, and anxious feelings from using new mobile smartphone technologies employing the higher levels of EMFs that come with a wireless network called "WiFi" - New towers and satellites being deployed only to intensify these effects.

While all the health concerns are not known. Reports are already being submitted as the rise of the body's sensitivity to EMF is increasing.

New towers and satellites being deployed only to intensify these effects.
Health experts are saying that there isn't enough research done yet, but for the sake of safety, we should be avoiding the exposure as much as possible in order to avoid any long-term effects on our health - New towers and satellites being deployed only to intensify these effects.

5G wireless technology and its roll-outs in the United States is 5 different networks in the race to provide this technology in the hands of people. Faster download, ease of connecting to the internet are all the promises made by the manufacturers. What they do not disclose is the health ratings of this type of technology. Health experts are saying that there isn't enough research done yet, but for the sake of safety, we should be avoiding the exposure as much as possible in order to avoid any long-term effects on our health

Mobile phone users may experience headaches and dizziness from increased EMF strength levels. The exposures could come from many sources, including towers or Wi-Fi hotspots; however, it is unclear if these symptoms are typical side effects connected with cell phone use or are a result of higher EMF radiation. It has been reported by some people who work at telecommunications companies that they have experienced such symptoms while working around mobile phones all day. These reports show how even those closest to this new wireless technology can feel tired, pain, ringing of the ears, uneasy pets, and more.

We need to avoid long-term effects on our health. So we have to expose ourselves as little as possible. We may not know the full extent of these side effects for decades and they should be taken seriously until more extensive testing is done. If you are experiencing symptoms from EMF radiation or feel that your phone usage has changed, there are ways to reduce those exposures by limiting use time, using hands-free devices when talking on the phone (or texting), or turning off wireless connections near a bed at night. These steps will help protect against injury and better manage overall well-being while we work towards understanding this new form of communication technology.

Maintaining healthy sleep patterns with good nutrition and exercise routines can also make up coping mechanisms before looking a total end to using these new technologies. Adding products like EMF Protect Strips and EMF Cellular Protect Discs from Body Align can mitigate some of these feelings from EMF effects.

The human body is not designed to be exposed to high levels of EMF, which can disrupt the central nervous system and suppress our immune defenses. In one study conducted in Sweden, it was shown that a strong correlation exists between childhood leukemia rates and proximity to mobile phone towers (not just base stations). The article concludes by saying: "When we expose children’s developing neurology or their fragile DNA strands to this type of radiation - no matter how low the intensity - then they are susceptible."

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